According to the latest buzz, Mega Power Star Ram Charan is likely to act in a film under the direction of Srinu Vaitla. The actor recently returned from China after completing a crucial schedule of his forthcoming film ‘Rachaa’. This new film will be produced by Aswini Dutt under Vyjayanthi Movies banner. Incidentally, Charan made his debut with ‘Chirutha’ under the same banner. This film will go to the sets once Ram Charan completes his pending projects.
On the other side, Vaitla is on cloud 9 following the super success of his latest film ‘Dookudu’. The director is currently giving final touches to the script, claims our source. A leading actress is set to romance Charan in this action entertainer. We came to know that Charan’s character offers lots of entertainment in this film. The rest of the star cast is yet to be finalized.
Previously, Vaitla directed Charan’s dad Chiranjeevi in a film titled ‘Andarivadu’. The film went on to become one of the biggest grosser’s of Tollywood at that time. Recently, the director has expressed his desire to direct Charan and looks like things have fallen in the right place for Vaitla in the form of this film. Stay tuned for more updates.