Janardhana Maharshi’s directorial debut ‘Devasthanam’ has completed its shooting formalities. Currently the post-production works of the film are in full swing. The film has Kalatapasvi K Vishwanath and SP Balasubrahmaniam in the lead roles. Yesteryear’s heroine Amani is playing a pivotal role in this film. ‘Devasthanam’ is a human emotional drama film. The film is being produced by Sarvejana Sukhinobhavantu Film Productions.
The makers are planning to launch the audio of the film on December 16. Swara Veenapani has scored music for this film. The film was majorly shot in the famous temples of Chitoor district. Every character in the movie has some importance, said Janardhan Maharshi.
The movie is slated for January 26 release.