Renowned writer JK Bharavi is turning director with a film titled ‘Adi Sankaracharya’. The film is being made simultaneously in Telugu, Tamil and Malayalam languages. Nagarjuna is playing an important role in this film. According to reports, Srihari is acting as Lord Siva and Kannada Super Star Upendra is essaying the role of Raja Amaruka in this film. The film launched a while ago is currently in its third schedule. Right now, the shooting of the film is going on at fast pace in Hyderabad.
Kutti NTR alias Kaushik Babu is donning the role of Adi Sankaracharya in this film. Sai Kumar, Suman, Roja, Prakash Raj, Jayaprada, Rohini, Anand, etc are playing key roles in this film. If the rumors are to be believed Anushka is set to play an important character in this film. Global Peace Creators are the producers and Nag Srivatsa is the music director.