Contrary to the reports of Shruti Hassan being replaced with Ileana in Pawan Kalyan’s featured project ‘Gabbar Singh’, the director of the film has clearly said that the actress is still part of the project. He also confirmed that she will be the heroine of the film. In yesterday’s edition, a popular news paper posted the news of Ileana replacing Shruti Hassan in Gabbar Singh. When we contacted the director, he condemned the news and cleared air on the rumors.
The reason behind the circulation of this rumor is Shruti’s success ratio. The actress so far hasn’t scored a hit and for that matter, it was rumored that the makers of the film had decided to replace her with either Richa Gangopadhyay or Ileana.
The film is produced by Ganesh Babu. So far, Devi Sri Prasad has composed three excellent tunes for the movie, adds our source. Pawan Kalyan is playing the role of ruthless cop in the film. The film will hit the screens in April, 2012.