Producer Suresh Kondeti has acquired the dubbing rights of super hit Tamil film ‘Engeyum Eppodhum’. AR Murugadoss has produced this versatile love story. The film has Sharwanand, Anjali, Jai and Ananya in the lead roles. The film was made on a very low budget and become a huge commercial success at box-office. It is learnt that the film has collected close to Rs 20 crore in its full run. Not only that, the film has won critical acclaims for its convincing screenplay.
The movie is titled as ‘Journey’ in Telugu. The audio released recently and received positive buzz from the public. The makers are planning to release the movie on December 2. Suresh Kondeti is very confident over the film’s success in Telugu as well. The film is directed by M Saravanan. The movie is going to face stiff competition from Telugu straight releases which are releasing on the same week.