The most sought movie of Power Star Pawan Kalyan ‘Panjaa’ is gearing up for release on December 9. Currently, the post-production works of the film are in full swing. The makers are taking utmost care for the bringing in the quality output of the film. It is learnt that the re-recording by Yuvan Shankar Raja is the highlight of the film. The audio of the film released recently and received excellent response from public.
The latest buzz is that ‘Panjaa’ is going to be dubbed in Tamil as ‘Kuri’. The audio of this version will be launched in second week of December. The makers are planning to release the movie for Pongal. Thala Ajit Kumar lends his voice for Pawan Kalyan in this film’s Tamil version. Keeping in view of the popularity of Vishnuvardhan and Yuvan Shankar Raja the trade pundits are predicting wonderful run for ‘Kuri’ at box-office.