King Nagarjuna, who earlier acted in films like ‘Shiva’, ‘Govinda Govinda’ under the direction of Ram Gopal Varma, is teaming up with him in a new film titled RGV’s ‘Ramayanam’. The film set to go floors shortly once Nagarjuna completes the post-production works of his next release ‘Rajanna’. The maverick director has announced that this film is a modern day Ramayana based on the story of two business rivals. This film has a dignified story line and has lot of emotions. This modern day Ramayana will be on the lines of RGV’s ‘Sarkar’.
RGV also said that Nagarjuna is essaying the role of Ravan Raju, who owns Lanka Group of companies in this film. The role has some negative shades and the director expressed his confidence that Nagarjuna is capable of donning any kind of role with ease. The rest of the cast and crew will be announced shortly.