Anushka Shetty, who has been away from Tollywood for quite some time, is likely to romance Rana Daggubati in ‘Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum’. The film is directed by Krish of ‘Gamyam’ fame. Earlier, Krish directed films ‘Vedam’ and ‘Vaanam’, which feature Anushka in the lead roles. Recently the director, who is a good friend of Anushka, has approached the actress and offered heroine’s role in this Rana starrer.
As per reports, the actress has responded positively and may give her go ahead nod any time. The film is a bi-lingual in Telugu and Tamil languages. This is a dream project for Krish and the story has an interesting story line, adds a close aide of the director. Rana is presently busy with ‘Naa Ishtam’ and ‘Department’. On the other hand, Anushka is paired opposite Nagarjuna in ‘Damarukam’.
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