Youth hero Varun Sandesh, who is eagerly waiting to score a path breaking hit, has pinned hopes on his latest film ‘Priyudu’. Sravan is making his debut as the director of the film. The film is produced by P Uday Kiran under UK Avenues banner. Preetika Rao and Swetha Basu Prasad are the female leads of the film. Mohan Jona is the music director and Malhat Bhatt is the lens man.
The film is touted to be a youthful love entertainer. Currently, the post-production works of the film are in full swing. Earlier, the makers have planned to release the film on November 25. Now the latest buzz is that the film’s release is postponed to December 2 following some pending works. The first copy of the film will be readied by November 25. The film will go to censor scrutiny on November 28 claims our source.