Youth star Ram’s mass entertainer ‘Kandirega’ completed its 100 days run yesterday. The film has Hansika, Aksha as female leads. Sonu Sood played comedy villain in the film. Music of the film is scored by Thaman. The film became super hit at box-office. Bellamkonda Suresh has produced the movie under Sai Ganesh Entertainment banner. Santosh Srinivas made his debut as director with this film.
Speaking on this occasion, producer Bellamkonda Suresh thanked the audience and production unit for making this film a big hit. He also said that their efforts were rewarded and the film has collected a record breaking share among Ram’s films.
'The film has become biggest hit in hero Ram’s career', he adds.
'He praised director Santosh Srinivas for proving his mettle as successful director with this film. Thaman’s tunes for this film are an asset and I thank him on this occasion', he said on a concluding note.