Power Star Pawan Kalyan’s next offering ‘Panjaa’ audio was launched yesterday amidst huge fanfare in a grand event at Gachibowli Indoor Stadium, Hyderabad. The event was graced by celebrities including Pawan Kalyan, Dr Brahmanandam, Ali, Anjali Lavania, Sara Jane Dias, Rajamouli, Yuvan Shankar Raja, Vishnuvardhan, Rama Rajamouli, Rana Gaggubati, Keeravani, NV Prasad, etc.
The first copy of the CD was released by Rajamouli and he handed it over to Pawan Kalyan. The 2GB memory card comprising all the songs from Pawan Kalyan’s films were released by Power Star himself. He also felicitated IIT topper Immadi Prudhvi Tej on this occasion.
It is estimated that over 10,000 fans were present at the venue but only 5000 members were allowed inside. Despite having exclusive passes the remaining 5000 were stranded outside. There had been a traffic jam on the highway for almost 5-6 hours. The trailers of the film were released on this occasion and met with approval from Pawan Kalyan fans. There are huge expectations from the film and we are hearing a positive buzz from the industry circles as well.