Tollywood heroine Anushka is facing the brunt from Income Tax officials. The actress house in Banjara Hills was once again raided today by the IT men with in a span of less than two months. Earlier, houses of Nagarjuna, Anushka and Ravi Teja were raided by the IT sleuths for alleged land dealings. As per reports, they’ve seized cash in lakhs, bank pass books and valuable documents from the actress's house.
The raiding is still going on and the officials are inquiring the actress about the handed over documents. The actress was at home along with her parents when the IT officials entered the house. However, Anushka’s manager Raghu condemned the news and added that the raid was conducted on Anushka’s neighbor’s house who is a granite businessman.
The reason behind the house raid is the 'Arundhathi' star's alleged land purchase worth Rs 5 crore.