The war for records between Mega fans and Mahesh Babu fans has taken an ugly turn now. Allu Sirish, the producer of Tollywood’s highest grosser ‘Magadheera’ has openly challenged ‘Dookudu’ producers and prince fans to come up with the collections of their movie. He stated that he will come up with area by area, town by town DCR (Daily Collections Report) break up and challenged them to bring the same for their movie.
Sirish openly challenged an over-enthusiastic fan of Mahesh Babu to bring their producers to the media for discussion if they are daring enough to do so. On the other side, Mega fans are irritated by the fake records of Prince fans and threw an open challenge to them at Vijayawada. The producer of ‘Dookudu’ though tried hard to project the film bigger than ‘Magadheera’ and started consoling Mahesh fans by giving a similar statement on a social networking site.
Though, the mega fans kept their cool but the irritating statements from the makers as well as the fans made them to challenge openly. We have to wait and see what will happen next.