Heroine Genelia, who made her acting debut with ‘Boys’ in Tollywood, is all set to marry her boy friend and actor Ritiesh Deshmukh. The wedding is going to be held on February 4 at a swanky hotel in Mumbai. The event is strictly going to be a private affair with only relatives from both the families and close friends attending it.
Genelia and Ritiesh are in relationship from the last 9 years. They kept on denying the news of their marriage when questioned several times by the media. Now, looks like everything went on smooth and the elders too gave their green signal. The wedding will take place in both Hindu and Catholic traditions.
At first, the parents of Ritiesh were reluctant on his marriage news and following the actor’s firm attitude they don’t have any option but to give a green signal for their marriage.
Genelia acted in films like ‘Bommarillu’, ’Ready’, ’Orange’ in Telugu.