The regular shooting of Stylish Star Allu Arjun’s new film under the direction of Trivikram Srinivas has begun from yesterday in Hyderabad. The unit is canning important scenes of the film on heroine Ileana and comedian Brahmanandam at one of the private hospitals in KPHB colony. The shooting of the film came to halt when a group of Telangana activists came to the spot and shouted Jai Telangana slogans. Not only that, they had rounded Brahmanandam and compelled him to say Jai Telangana slogans.
The situation turned ugly when police entered the scene and took agitators in to their custody. However, Allu Arjun was not present at the location and reportedly made a call and pacified the unit members. The shooting of the film resumed after some time under tight security and continued till the end of the day.
This is the second incident in less than 10 days. Recently, the Telangana agitators had disrupted the shooting of Allari Naresh and Shriya starrer untitled film and attacked the vehicles, unit members. Meanwhile, the producer’s council is demanding government to take stringent action on these agitators.