Young Rebel Star Prabhas’s new film under the direction of writer turned director Koratala Siva is titled ‘Vaaradhi’. Anushka and Richa are playing female leads of the film. The film is being produced by Uppalapati Pramod and Vamsi Krishna Reddy under UV Creations banner. Our sources indicate that the makers of the film have already registered the titled in the film chamber.
The shooting of the film is currently going on in and around Hyderabad. ‘Vaaradhi’ is a blend of love, action, sentiment and entertainment. The film is expected to release for summer, 2012. Kotagiri Venkateswara Rao is the editor of the film.
Meanwhile, Prabhas’s forthcoming film ‘Rebel’ directed by Raghava Lawrence is slated for release in February. That means Prabhas is going to have two releases in the first half of next year. His last film ‘Mr Perfect’ was a super hit at box-office. Watch this space for more updates.