Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja’s forthcoming movie ‘Nippu’ audio will be launched on December 13. The venue of the function is not yet finalized. There are six songs in the album and each of them are picturised very uniquely. Director Gunasekhar, who is popular for using huge sets for his films, has shot the entire film in real locations for the first time. Thaman has composed the music for the film. Earlier, he worked for Ravi Teja’s ‘Kick’, ‘Anjaneyulu’, ‘Mirapakaya’ and ’Veera’ as music director.
Director Harish Shankar wil be seen in a guest roe in the film. The story of the film is penned by Akula Siva. The film is produced by YVS Chowdary under Bommarillu banner. Deeksha Seth is playing female lead in the film. ‘Nippu’ releases exactly a month after the audio release on January 13.