Comedian turned hero Sunil’s upcoming comedy entertainer ‘Poolarangadu’ is commencing its non-stop shooting schedule in Hyderabad. The film is being directed by Veerabhadram of ‘Aha Na Pellanta’ fame. K Atchi Reddy produced the film under Max India Productions banner. Isha Chawla of ‘Prema Kavali’ fame is playing female lead.
Speaking at a press meet the producer of the film said that they are planning to wrap up the shooting formalities by December end. The movie will be released on January 14, Saturday with highest number of prints in Sunil’s career. He also expressed his confidence over the movie success. As a concluding note, he said that Anup Rubens has given excellent tunes for this film, which are canned very well by the director.
Kota Srinivasa Rao, Ali, Pradeep Rawat, Raghu Babu, etc are playing other cast. The film is presented by RR Movies banner. This will be their second movie with Atchi Reddy after super hit ‘Prema Kavali’.