Ram Gopal Varma’s latest production venture titled ‘Bejawaada’ has completed its shooting formalities and currently is in post production stages. The film was shot in palces like Vijayawada and Hyderabad. The characterization of Prabhu, Kota Srinivasa Rao and Abhimayu Singh of ‘Raktha Charitra’ fame is the special attraction of the film, says our source.
If the news has to believed, Naga Chaitanya has played the role of a college student. How he transforms into a leader and saves his people and city from goons is the rest of the story. Amala Paul is romancing Naga Chaitanya in this action thriller.
Earlier, there are speculations that the movie is slated for release on November 25. But, the makers quashed the rumors and confirmed that the movie is going to release on November 24.