Super Star Mahesh Babu’s latest film ‘The Business Man’ has completed its talkie part barring few scenes which are currently being shot on Mahesh Babu, Kajal and Brahmaji at Kala Academy, Goa. The unit is in the plans of going to Spain for songs shoot. The post productions works of the film are going on simultaneously at fast pace. Director Puri Jagannadh told that the shooting of the movie will be completed within 75 days from launch.
Here we present you an exclusive dialogue from the movie uttered by Super Star himself. It goes like “Yuddham Chethakanivaade Dharmam Gurinchi Matladathaadu”, means one who doesn’t know how to wage war will only talk about morals. This is going to be the punch dialogue of the film like “Kallunnodu Mundu Maatrame Chusthadu….Dimaak Unnodu Duniya Motham Chusthadu” from his latest flick ‘Dookudu’.
The first look of the film will be unveiled on 11-11-11. The movie is slated for release on January 11.