Siddharth’s upcoming film ‘O My Friend’ audio is a big hit among college going students. Especially, the song 'Sri Chaitanya Junior College lo' is a chartbuster. Hence, the makers of the film are planning to organize the platinum disc function of the film in KPHB Colony’s Sri Chaitanya Junior College. The event is going to be held on Saturday, November 5 with 5000 students as chief guests. The whole team of the film is expected to attend the event.
Shruti Haasan is the heroine of the film. This will be her second film with Siddharth after ‘Anaganaga Oka Dheerudu’. Recently, Dil Raju has requested the music director Mani Sharma to score the background music for the film. Currently, he is working on it. Barring this, the entire talkie and post production works of the film are completed.
The movie is slated for release on a unique date 11.11.11.