The success meet of Tamil Super Star Surya’s latest release ‘7th Sense’ was held at Cinemax, Hyderabad today. Surya, Shruti Haasan, director Murugadoss and other cast members of the film graced the event. The movie opened to mixed reviews and went on to collect Rs 12 crore in its first week. Among this, the movie has collected Rs 4.5 crore in Nizam territory alone. The film was released through Gemini Films in Nizam area.
Speaking on the occasion, Surya said that he was overwhelmed with the kind of response his film received in Andhra Pradesh. He also expressed his happiness over its box-office run and thanked the audience for making the film a big hit.
Murugadoss said that there are many superheroes from our country and certainly Bodhi Dharma is one of them. He also said that the movie is the combination of history, science and commercial formula.
Shruti Haasan expressed her happiness over the film’s success and thanked the makers for giving this opportunity at the early phase of her career.