The first look posters and logo of Rana Daggubati’s new film ‘Naa Ishtam’ were unveiled yesterday. The event was a low key affair as Rana himself released them in a small private function. This is for the first time Rana is acting in a commercial film after a couple of experimental films like ‘Leader’ and ‘Nenu Naa Rakshasi’, which failed to deliver the much needed break.
Director Prakash Toleti said that Rana’s performance and diction in this film is going to set new trend among current gen actors. Rana is playing the role of a man who does things upon his fancies. ‘Naa Ishtam’ is a blend of love, action, sentiment and comedy elements.
Rana is simultaneously doing a Hindi film titled ‘Department’ under the direction of Ram Gopal Varma. The actor is due for a big hit and we have learnt that he is quite confident over these two film's success. Let’s hope he lives up to the expectations and reaches new heights in his career this time.