Super Star Mahesh Babu’s latest offering ‘The Business Man’ is currently being shot in Goa. The post production works of the film are also going on simultaneously at rapid pace. According to our sources, the dubbing of the film will begin from November 15th onwards at Shabdalaya Theater, Hyderabad.
We came to know that director Puri Jagannadh is planning to wrap up the entire shooting part by December 3. The audio launch will take place in the third week of December. Bollywood actress Shweta Bhardwaj is doing an item song in this movie. The movie offers love, action and comedy. The film is coming up with a caption Guns don’t need agreements.
‘The Business Man’ is surrounded by huge hype and the expectations continue to scale new heights by the day. The movie is slated for January 11 release. Stay tuned for more details.