Venu Tottempudi, who is eager for a hit at the boxoffice, has signed a new film titled ‘Ramachari’, in which he plays the character by same name. The film completed its shooting recently and is hitting the screens in November. ‘Ramachari’ is the official remake of Malayalam film ‘CID Moosa’. Kamalini Mukherjee plays female lead opposite Venu. The audio of the film released on Thursday received good response. Mani Sharma has scored the music for this film.
The movie is a laugh riot and Venu plays the role of a spy. The film has a tagline ‘Veedo Pedda Goodachari’ itself is eye catching. Venkata Shyam Prasad of SP Entertainments is the producer of the film and Eeshwar is the director. Dr Brahmanandam, Ali, Giri Babu, Chandra Mohan, LB Sriram are the other cast members.