Tapsee, who is awaiting the release of her new film ‘Mogudu’ opposite Gopichand, has bagged a new film. She is set to romance Ravi Teja in a film to be directed by ‘Souryam’ Siva. Earlier, the duo worked together for ‘Veera’ which became a colossal dud at box-office. The movie was formally launched on August 18. The regular shooting of the movie will commence from November onwards.
Vijay Anthony has been roped in as music director of the film. Veteran actor Rajendra Prasad is playing Ravi Teja’s father in this mass entertainer. Brahmanandam, Vennela Kishore, Ali, Dharmavarapu Subrahmanyam, MS Narayana are the other cast. Ravi Teja is currently busy with Gunasekhar’s ‘Nippu’ which is slated for Pongal release.