Power Star Pawan Kalyan’s upcoming film ‘Panjaa’ is hitting the headlines with its novel promotional campaigns. The teaser of the film that released for this Diwali received thunderous response from the audience and the fans of Pawan Kalyan. So far the video has been viewed by over 2 lakh users in YouTube. Producers of this film Neelima Thirumalasetty and Shobu Yarlagadda have paired up for movie’s publicity campaigns and their efforts are fruitful so far.
Now the latest news is that the merchandise stall of the film will be launched today evening at around 6 pm in Cinemax multiplex, Banjara Hills. According to our sources, Pawan Kalyan may grace the event and inaugurate the stall. With this kind of promotion hopefully ‘Panjaa’ is going to create new records at box-office. Stay tuned for more updates.