Richa Gangopadhyay, who shot to fame with Ravi Teja’s ‘Mirapakai’, has failed to bag new projects in Telugu. Recently, she shifted her base to Chennai following few exciting projects in Tamil. She is awaiting the release of her new films ‘Osthi’ and ‘Mayakkam Enna’.
Now the news is that she has bagged a heroine’s role in Prabhas new film, which is being directed by writer Koratala Siva. The film also has another heroine who is yet to be finalised. Vamsi Krishna Reddy and Pramod Uppalapati are jointly producing this movie on UV Creations banner. Devi Sri Prasad is scoring music for this film.
The film will go onto the sets soon. An official statement with the details of cast and crew will be out in a couple of days.