The expectations from King of Andhra Pawan Kalyan’s latest film 'Panjaa' are quite high. The look of Pawan Kalyan in the movie has appreciated among the trade circles. The official teaser of the movie that was released recently garnered a positive response from the audience. The producers are putting all their efforts into promoting the movie and increasing its hype. Currently, the post production works of the movie are progressing at brisk pace.
Now the latest buzz is the audio of ‘Panjaa’ is going to be released on November 13 in a grand gala event at Hyderabad. The makers are also planning to release the movie on December 9. Bollywood star Jackie Shroff and comedian Ali are playing key roles in this film. Yuvan Shankar Raja has composed the music for this action entertainer. Thala Ajith has lent his voice for Pawan Kalyan’s character in the film’s Tamil version. Stay tuned for more updates.