The shooting of Sunil’s latest film ‘Poolarangadu’ is going on at rapid pace in Ramoji Film city, Hyderabad. The director of the film is canning important scenes of the film on the lead pair Sunil and Isha Chawla. The unit are working day and night to ensure that the film hits the screens on Pongal 2012.
Speaking at a press meet producer of the film Atchi Reddy said, "The movie offers lot of entertainment for the audience. The story of the film revolves around a guy who falls in love with a girl at first sight and travels all the way to Warangal to impress her. Sunil’s role in this film evokes laughs from all sections of the people and his dressing in the movie to impress the girl is hilarious".
Veerabhadram Chowdary is the director, while Anup Rubens is scoring music for this film.