Radha Mohan, who shot to fame with ‘Gaganam’, is all set to begin his new film titled ‘Gauravam’ from January, 2012. The film will feature Naga Chaitanya in the lead role. The movie will be made in both Telugu and Tamil languages simultaneously. SS Thaman is roped in as music director of the film.
According to our sources, King Nagarjuna is going to do a special role in this film. ‘Gauravam’ is touted to be a complete family entertainer on the lines of ‘Bommarillu’. However, an official announcement on the film will be out soon.
Chaitu’s upcoming film ‘Bezawada’ is slated for release in the second week of November. His next film ‘Autonagar Surya’ is commencing its regular shoot and will hit the screens in summer, 2012.