We all know that creative director Mani Ratnam shows no compromise attitude on his films quality. But there is another angle in him which is rarely seen by the industry people. Here is what exactly the story is! Recently, ‘Ye Maaya Chesave’ beauty Samantha had gone through a photo shoot and screen test for Mani Ratnam’s new film which will launch Tamil actor Karthik’s son Gautam as hero.
After seeing the photos, director Mani Ratnam has told the cinematographer Rajiv Menon that Samantha will not suit for the heroine’s role in his film. Shocked by his feedback, it is heard that Samantha is deeply hurt and hugely disappointed. She has no clue on what ground Mani Ratnam has rejected her and this is furhther causing her more grief, claims our source.
It is also learnt that Mani Ratnam is going to conduct auditions for fresh faces for this film soon.