Nandamuri Bala Krishna’s current film tentatively titled ‘Adhinayakudu's’ cast and crew is all set to leave for Malayasia to film a couple of songs on the lead pair. Balayya, as he fondly called by his fans is donning three varied powerful characters in this movie for the first time in his career.
Senior actress Jayasudha and Nadia are playing important roles in this movie. ML Padma Kumar Chowdary is producing the movie under Sri Keerthi Creations banner. Paruchuri Murali is the director of the film. The first look stills of Balayya’s old character in this film were released and they received a postive response.
The story of the film revolves around a man who always thinks of people and their needs first. The movie offers lot of action and especially the fans of Balayya will like it says the producer.
Balayya next release 'Sri Rama Rajyam' will hit the screens on November 17.