Director Gunasekhar has teamed up with Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja for a film titled ‘Nippu’. So far, the movie has completed sixty percent of its shoot. Right now, the shooting of the film is going on at rapid pace in and around Hyderabad. The movie is set to hit the screens on January 13 on the occasion of Pongal. Meanwhile, the makers are also planning to hold the audio release of the film in grand style sometime in December.
Noted director YVS Chowdary is producing the film under Bommarillu banner. Deeksha Seth is playing female lead in this racy mass entertainer. This will be her second film with Ravi Teja after ‘Mirapakai’. According to our sources, the movie is coming out really well and has all the elements to become a super hit at the box-office.