Director Harish Shankar of ‘Mirapakai’ fame is leaving no stone unturned to reach the expectations of fans with his next film. As per reports, the introduction of Pawan Kalyan in his new film ‘Gabbar Singh’ is being shot with 400 cameras, which has never been done before in Pawan's his entire career. This is surely going to become one of the highlights of the film.
Initially, the introduction of Pawan was planned in cow-boy get-up, but after the suggestions of the actor’s fans, the director had decided to change the idea. Pawan is playing a ruthless cop in this mass entertainer. The next schedule of the film will commence at Pollachi, Kerala from October 29 onwards.
Suhasini and Nagineedu are playing Pawan’s parents in this movie, while Ajay is acting as his timid brother.