Nara Rohit, who made his debut with critically acclaimed 'Baanam', is arriving with his next movie 'Solo'. The shooting of the film is completed and currently the post-production works are in progress. Nisha Aggarwal is the heroine of this film. Vamsi Krishna, an industrialist from Visakhapatnam is producing this film under SVK Cinema.
The movie is being directed by Parasuram alias Bujji of 'Yuvatha' and 'Anjaneyulu' fame. 'Kick' Shyam is playing an important role in this film. The audio of the film will hit the stands on October 22. The film is touted to be an action oriented love story. Rohit is sporting rugged look in this film. According to the producer, the film is a treat to watch and has all the commercial elements. The makers are planning to release the film in the last week of November.