The makers of Power Star Pawan Kalyan’s upcoming film 'Panjaa' are aiming for a mega release in both Telugu and Tamil simultaneously. The film’s director Vishnuvardhan and music director Yuvan Shankar Raja are big brands over there. Vishnu shares good friendship with Thala Ajith Kumar and it is heard that, he asked the actor to lend his voice to Pawan Kalyan's character for the film’s Tamil version.
If Ajith agrees to dub for his friend then this movie will become a big project in Tamil as well. Surprisingly, Vishnu preferred to direct 'Panjaa' over Ajith’s 'Billa-2' but still they share a good relation.
On the other side, the producers of 'Panjaa' have been constant touch with star director SS Rajamouli right from the launch of the film. It is heard that Rajamouli is guiding them with innovative promotional activities.
With this kind of star power let’s wait and see how this film fares at box-office.