Siddharth's next release 'O My Friend' audio is going to be launched on October 15 in a different style at Hyderabad. The film is being directed by debutant Venu Sri Ram. Succesful producer Dil Raju is producing this movie under Sri Venakteswara Creations banner. Shruthi Hassan is playing leading lady in this romantic comedy entertainer.
The film is based on the confusions involved in love and friendship. Rahul Raj has composed music for this movie, while Vijay K Chakravarthy provides the cinematography. The movie's title song was released a couple of days ago at Radio Mirchi station and it received good response from all corners.This album has 5 songs and a bit song.
Navdeep and Hansika are playing important roles in this movie. 'O My Friend' is aiming for a November release.