The logo and trailer launch of Youthful love story 'Facebook', produced by Dr Malla Vijay Prasad under Welfare Creations banner was held at Prasad Labs. RP Patnaik who proved his directorial abilities with 'Broker' is directing this film.
The event was attended by maverick directors VV Vinayak, KS Rama Rao, Bheemaneni Srinivasa Rao, Gautham Patnaik of 'Keratam' fame, Chalapathi Rao, Ramesh Puppala, Mehar Ramesh, Malla Vijay Prasad, RP Patnaik, Dasaradh, etc.
KS Rama Rao unveiled the logo, while Vinayak launched the first look trailer of this film. The film is touted to be a youthful love story. The film was shot in India and US. The film is based on the pros and cons of using Facebook.
The guests who attended the event expressed their happiness and confidence over the success of the film. Facebook has Nischal, Uday, Surya, Gemini Suresh, Nisha, Archana, Suresh, Rao Ramesh, etc in the key roles.