Young Tiger NTR most sought film 'Oosaravelli' has completed the censor formalities and gets U/A certification. The film is releasing on October 6 with record number of prints in Young Tiger’s career. Tamannah is playing lady love in this film, which is produced by BVSN Prasad. Stylish director Surender Reddy directed the film under Sri Venkateswara Cine Chitra banner.
'Oosaravelli' has set a new record in Nizam and US territories. The film is screening in 220 theatres alone in Nizam, which is a record till date for any film. In US, the film is releasing in 91 theatres, which is also a unique record for any Indian film. Thus 'Oosaravelli' crossed the records created by Mahesh Babu’s 'Dookudu' in both Nizam and US which released in 205 and 79 centers respectively.