If rumors are to be believed, Nandamuri Bala Krishna has okayed to appear in a guest role in 'Nandeeswarudu' which features Nandamuri Taraka Ratna (NTR) as hero. This will be the second film for Balayya in guest role after Manchu Manoj starrer 'Oo Kodathara Ulikkipadathara' produced by Manchu Lakshmi Prasanna.
Anji Srinu is directing the film which is being produced by Segu Ramesh Babu and Gangadhar Reddy under KFC and SRB Art Productions banner. Sheena of 'Bindaas' fame is playing female lead in this film. Music of the film is scored by debutant Pardhu.
This news certainly catches the attention of many due to the cameo of Balayya. Let us see how much luck Balayya adds to NTR who is the only hero yet to score a big hit from Nandamuri clan.