Comedy hero Allari Naresh latest film 'Madatha Kaaja' is gearing up for release. The film recently completed its censor formalities and got an U/A certificate. Glamour doll Sneha Ulla is playing female lead opposite Naresh in this film. Seetha Rama Raju Dantuluri directed the film under Sri Ranjith Movies banner. Vedaraju Timber is the producer while KL Damodar Prasad of 'Ala Modalaindi' fame is presenting it.
Despite Dookudu's tsunami at box-office the makers are very confident on the movie's output. The film also carries positive pre-release talk in the industry.
Allari Naresh's last films 'Aha Na Pellanta' and 'Seema Tapakai' are hits at box-office and he is referred as minimum guarantee hero by his producers. The film is actually planned for September 30 release but latest news is that the film might get postponed by a day or two due to Telangana bandh.