Super Star Mahesh Babu’s recent release 'Dookudu' is creating waves at box-office. The film reportedly collected Rs 9.20 crore net in the first day. The film’s collections are super strong and the movie is expected to break the existing records in Godavari districts, Vishakapatnam, Ananthpur and Guntur districts.
On this occasion, the producers of the film Anil Sunkara, Ram Achanta and Gopichand Achanta have planned for a success meet on September 30 at Vijayawada. The event will be celebrated in grand manner and Super Star Mahesh will grace the event too.
Mahesh is currently busy shooting for his next film The Business Man under the directed of Puri Jagannadh in Mumbai. He will fly down to Vijayawada directly from Mumbai on 30th.
Samantha played the love interest of Mahesh in 'Dookudu' while Srinu Vaitla directed the film under 14 Reels Entertainment banner.