Nani who is busy in both Telugu and Tamil has signed another big film under the direction of Gautham Menon. The film is a tri-lingual in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi. Nani will feature as hero in the film’s Telugu version. Earlier, hero Ram is roped in as the lead but citing some silly reasons Ram walked out of the project.
Recently, Nani acted in a film titled Veppam produced by Gautham Menon. The film is dubbed in Telugu as Sega which went on to become a dud at box-office. Though the film didn’t fare well Nani still shares a good rappot with director Gautham which eventually made him to act in this movie as a replacement to Ram.
Nani is currently busy shooting for a film titled Eega directed by ace director Rajamouli. Looks like the Ala Modalaindhi star has become busy now-a-days as big directors are running after him for his call sheets.