Super Star Mahesh Babu’s highly anticipated movie 'Dookudu' released today with highest number of prints worldwide. The movie has Samantha as female lead. Prakash Raj, Dr Brahmanandam, MS Narayana, Sonu Sood, Nassar, etc playing important roles in this movie.
The movie is releasing in 79 theatres alone in US is a new record for any Telugu film till date. In Tamil Nadu, 'Dookudu' is showing at 41 screens out of which 21 of them are in Chennai and suburbs.
The tickets of the movie are sold out for the first three days in almost all areas and in Hyderabad the film released in record number of 71 screens thus beating Allu Arjun's 'Badrinadh' record.
The film is getting huge openings across and received 4-5 weeks report from all areas. We have to wait and see how the film fares in the long run.