The fresh schedule of 'Damarukam' starring King Nagarjuna is going on in a specially erected set at Annapurna Studios today. All the important casting of the film are taking part in the shoot. The film is a socio-fantasy where in Anuskha is donning the role of a woman born with super natural powers. Prakash Raj is acting as Lord Shiva.
The movie is produced by Dr Venkat on RR Movie Makers banner and Srinivas Reddy is the director. The film has lot of graphics in it and made with highest budget in Nagarjuna’s career. Devi Sri Prasad is scoring music for this movie.
It is heard that Nagarjuna is playing the role of auto-driver. Abhimanyu singh of 'Rakta Charitra' fame is playing the antagonist of the film.