Young Tiger NTR's upcoming film under the direction of 'Simha' fame Boyapati Srinu tentatively titled 'Dammu' will hit the floors on September 28. The film will shoot in a specially erected huge set at Annapurna Studios for two weeks. After this schedule the film unit will leave to Pollachi, Kerala for 45 day long schedule in November.
KS Rama Rao is producing the film under Creative Commercials banner. Shruthi Hassan is roped in as leading lady. MM Keeravani wields the baton of music for the film. Short while ago, star director SS Rajamouli had praised his brother Keeravani for giving wonderful tunes to 'Dammu'. Rajamouli got the opportunity to listen to 4 songs of the film, courtesy NTR. He also said that director Boyapati will create a new trend for mass films with Dammu.
With director like Rajamouli making such remarks the fans of NTR are going berserk on the film are counting days for its arrival.