Young Tiger NTR’s most sought film 'Oosaravelli' audio launch happened yesterday with hype and hoopla at Shilpa Kala Vedika, Hyderabad. K Raghavendra Rao released the audio CD and handed over the first copy to MM Keeravani.
SS Rajamouli, Harish Shankar, Bandla Ganesh, Vamsi Paidipalli, Suresh Babu, KS Rama Rao, Kodali Nani, Vallabhaneni Vamsi, etc graced the function. NTR said that the fans should take the responsibility to give recognition to the film. BVSN Prasad produced the film under Sri Balaji Cine Chitra. Surender Reddy directed the film. Tamannah paired opposite NTR in this flick.
Oosaravelli is releasing on October 6 for Dasara. Devi Sri Prasad scored music for this film.