The audio of Young Tiger NTR’s upcoming film under the direction of Surender Reddy 'Oosaravilli' is all set to launch at Shilpa Kala Vedika today. Devi Sri Prasad who earlier composed music for 'Naa Alludu' and 'Adurs' is again teamed up with NTR in this film.
BVSN Prasad is producing the film under Sri Balaji Cine Chitra banner. Tamannah is paired opposite NTR in this film. Rasool P Ellore is the director of photography.
According to our sources, Bala Krishna is not making it to the audio function much to the surprise of the fans. The audio teasers released recently earned positive response from the audience. It is heard that NTR’s dances in this film will remind us the days of 'Yamadonga'.