Amala Paul who starred in Vikram’s 'Nanna' and 'Prema Khaidi' is debuting in Telugu with Naga Chaitanya’s 'Bezawada'. She is currently busy shooting for a Tamil film 'Muppozhudhum Un Karpanaigal' featuring Ardhava (hero Murali’s son).
Now, the interesting news is that the makers of this film are planning to dub this movie in Telugu as 'Nirantaram Nee Oohale'. The makers of Super Hit film 'Rangam', RS Infotainment are producing this film.
The film is being made on huge budget and Kumar the producer of 'Rangam' turns director with this film. Looks like Amala Paul has a dream run in Kollywood and Tollywood much before establishing herself as an actress with her performance.